How do I access OASIS Bridge?
Click here to login to OASIS Bridge If you do not know your username or password please contact your local Client Care team.
How many boxes/files do I have in storage?
You can view your inventory in our online portal OASIS Bridge. If you would like to request access for an authorised user within your organisation please contact your local Client Care team.
Where are my boxes/files stored?
Physical records are stored in a secure OASIS Group Record Centre and digital records are hosted in a Tier 3+ data centre.
Is it possible to receive separate invoices for various departments within my company?
Yes. We can invoice different departments, each with its own specifications. Moreover, by storing your files by department, you can also determine which employees have access to specific records.
Why do I need a business continuity plan (BCP)?
A business continuity plan sets out a framework and plan to enable your business to operate during emergency events or low level disruptions.
How do we identify business continuity risks?
You need to identify risks from both inside and outside of your work environment. The availability of key suppliers may have an impact on your organisation, for instance a power cut may be a high risk or have minimal impact depending on your business activities.
What is the difference between business continuity and disaster recovery?
A business continuity plan focuses on how a business will keep operating during emergency events or low level disruptions. A disaster recovery plan focuses on restoring IT systems, such as IT infrastructure and data access, after a disaster.
What is a business impact analysis (BIA)?
A business impact analysis (BIA) is a process that allows departments within your organisation to identify critical processes and functions and their effect should a disruption occur.
Who should be part of business continuity planning?
Business continuity planning requires input from every department in your organisation. All levels within each department will need to be involved in the planning process to ensure that every business critical process and function is identified.
How do I contact Client Care?
Did you know that you can place orders, run reports, update account details and much more using our online client portal?
Don’t have access to our online portal? Contact us here and one of our team will be in touch to get you up and running. In the meantime, this form can be used to request services.
Still need to chat with us? So we can assist you as quickly and accurately as possible, please have your account number ready. Our client care team can be reached via the email or phone number below;
You can contact our client care team via the regional email addresses below.
By Email:
Northern Ireland:
Regional Ireland:
By Phone:
UK: 01440 760 190
ROI: 01 903 8159
Why is cyber security important?
Cyber security is essential to our everyday life, it protects our data from theft and damage. If cyber criminals obtained your data this could be misused, cyber security can protect your data from common cyber threats.
Are your staff trained to handle media?
Yes. Our media vault staff are specially trained on the proper procedures for handling and transporting confidential media.
How secure is your media vault?
Our media vault is monitored with video surveillance 24 hours a day. We use the strictest access features such as keypad controls and biometric fingerprint scanners.
What if I need my information in the middle of the night?
You have access to your media 24 hours a day. Emergency delivery is available.
What are some of the benefits of digital imaging?
One of the main benefits of digital imaging is that it drastically reduces the time it takes to access your records. Digital imaging reduces your storage costs and space. Also, digital imaging is beneficial for companies that have multiple locations with several employees that need access to the same information.
How will I determine how to index my records for digital imaging?
Indexing is key to the easy retrieval of electronic records. You should index your records according to the information that will be needed in order to retrieve the record. We can assist you in creating your indexing system. We offer customised indexing based on your company’s needs. Also, we offer an OCR option to help with the search and retrieval of your electronic records.
What is digital transformation?
Digital transformation is the process of integrating digital technologies across various areas of a business. Technology is used to automate new, or modify existing, business processes.
Why does digital transformation matter?
As the focus continues to shift to a global economy many industries are finding that digital transformation is helping them stay competitive. Through the adoption of digital technologies businesses and organisations are able to save time and money.
Which industries are undergoing digital transformation?
Digital transformation can be seen across every sector however the types of technology can vary from industry to industry. There are various factors that influence the digital transformation journey, including regulatory commitments, and it is important to understand these early on in your journey.
What are the benefits of digital transformation?
The list of benefits achieved through digital transformation is extensive and variable depending on many factors however across all industries and disciplines benefits include; improved efficiencies, increased productivity and cost savings.
Where should we start with our digital transformation journey?
It is important that you identify your end goal at the beginning of your digital transformation journey. The outcome your department, or overall organisation, is trying to achieve will define your digital strategy.
Do I need to digitise all my records?
No. We suggest only digitising records that are ‘active’, for example personnel files for existing Team Members, inactive files that are still within their required retention period can be securely stored in one of our regional record centres.
How do you manage records that reach their retention date?
Where a retention date is recorded, we proactively report to you records that are available for destruction. Our team can assist you in the development of compliance and design of retention strategies to audit records and identify candidates for destruction. We will not destroy any of your records in our records centre until the request is given in writing by an authorised person. When the time comes to destroy your records, we offer secure shredding services, with all the paper waste recycled and with a Certificate of Destruction.
If a relevant regulator has requested submission of my data, can you help?
Yes, if you need to submit applicable records to a national data repository we can help you find the relevant records, classify them according to the submission standards, digitise them to the required standard and upload them on your behalf.
My company acquired a new asset and we have inherited some records but the meta-data is missing or inaccurate. Can you help?
It is common for companies to provision storage at the box level and retain independent listings of the items in the box. Over time, these often become disassociated. We can help you create items level lists through our box audit, classification, and cataloguing services. We then manage this item level data in our Plexus application, making it instantly available to you and ensuring that the same issue does not arise in the future.
How do you protect my valuable sub-surface data?
Our specialist records centres are purpose-built and designed under industry-leading security solutions. Your physical and digital storage is environmentally controlled and protected against fire using Inergen gas systems, offering effective fire suppression, without the risk of water damage associated with sprinkler systems.
Can you store all my data types?
Certainly. We specialise in storing all types of data for the Energy sector. In addition to your organisations’ physical and digital data, we can store geological records such as core, cuttings, tapes containing well logs and seismic surveys, oil and gas samples and even non-standard containers such as map tubes.
Can I visualise my data and order services online?
Yes, our cloud-based Plexus application is designed explicitly for our energy clients. The system comes with geographical interface, log (las/lis) and seismic (segy) viewers as standard. Plexus allows your organisation to find paper-based records and instantly request services such as retrievals or scanning. All the digital records are made available for you to view and download once scanned.
How will our retail records be kept secure at OASIS?
We understand that retail manages a large volume of confidential information such as credit card numbers. We have partnered with the Certified Information Privacy Professionals (CIPP) at CSR to provide our clients with a Breach Reporting Service and Readiness Suite protecting your retail business from violations regarding regulatory compliance.
Can separate departments and employees have different levels of access depending on their need?
With strict user permissions and automatic workflows, collaboration couldn’t be easier. Documents can be assigned to teams or individuals to complete actions based on automated criteria.
Can our supplier and customer invoices be managed through the OASIS platform?
Manufacturers manage a large variety of records and information from employee records to quality assurance records. Our scanning services can help upload all your information data in or Omnidox AP system for easy invoice processing and making analysing the data simpler.
How can OASIS help create a records management programme that works for our retail business?
A consistent records management program can be tricky, especially if you are operating out of multiple sites. Every business’ storage requirements are different. That is why we build a bespoke storage package for every client (no matter how big or small the organisation). We can cope with large or small volumes, regular or ad hoc retrievals, individual files, or entire boxes. We are committed to providing the best possible records management process for your business, whilst meeting regulatory and legal requirements.
How can OASIS save us money on overhead costs as a manufacturer?
Through Omnidox you can recreate existing, or implement new, business workflows quickly and easily. No need to involve costly IT resource. Our Omnidox HR solution can help your organisation classify and extract key data for managing retentions as well as facilitating fast search capability. Our solution is suitable for organisations of all sizes and quickly reduces the costs associated with your HR administration.
Can OASIS collect from all of our retail high street premises?
OASIS Group operates across Europe, with record centres and digital processing centres distributed around the continent. Whether you have only one store or several, we can collect your data and store it in our nearest record centre.
How can OASIS reduce the burden of managing data and records for my small business?
We know that operating small businesses takes time and energy to be successful, and often records management needs are not the highest priority. We build a bespoke storage package for every client (no matter how big or small the organisation). We can cope with large or small volumes, regular or ad hoc retrievals, individual files, or entire boxes. We offer online systems for your records management to easily access and extract data, allowing you to stay focused on what is important – the success of your small business.
Can the data management services OASIS provide scale as my business does?
Our powerful Omnidox suite is flexible and fully scalable, so as your business grows, we can help you manage your information records growth whilst continuing being compliant.
Will the data stored at OASIS be accessible as required for our small business?
Our multi-award winning Omnidox Suite offers blue-chip organisations and small businesses access to the same leading technology. By utilising our Omnidox cloud-based solution your documents can be accessed simultaneously and shared with ease, 24/7, from anywhere in the world.
How long should school records be kept?
Schools must follow strict rules when processing personal data, and laws and regulations stipulate how long school records can be kept and the exceptions to this. OASIS is your partner and can advise you on information and records management in the broadest sense. You can also contact us for the confidential and secure destruction of school records.
How quickly can you digitise a Practice’s Lloyd George records?
We agree with you the period of time for digitisation and can then remove the records from your Practice almost immediately.
What preparation work does the Practice have to do?
noteSpace Digital is a fully managed service. Our friendly team will visit your Practice, collect, transport, catalogue, digitise and deep store your Patient paper records.
Our records have already been scanned, can you digitise the records for newly registered patients so we don’t have to do it?
Yes, our ‘follow-on’ service is available even if you didn’t complete the initial digitisation with noteSpace Digital. It includes a scheduled collection of new records, digitisation and either deep storage or secure destruction and disposal.
Can records be collected out of practice hours?
Yes. Saturdays work very well and records can also be collected during the week.
Can urgent requests for records be dealt with?
Yes. The scan on demand service securely delivers a digital copy of the record over the HSCN network, to the practice in 4 hours. This is often used when a practice is preparing a SAR.
A same or next day courier service is also an option if the original paper record is required.
What does ‘service code’ mean on my rate card?
Each OASIS service has a unique code for our internal reporting. There will also be a service name to help you identify which service it relates to.
What does ‘service name’ mean on my rate card?
The service names on your rate card lists which services are available as part of your existing contract with OASIS.
What does ‘current price’ mean on my rate card?
This is the service cost as it stands in the current year.
What does ‘new price’ mean on my rate card?
When we notify you of a change in rate, this field will display what the new rate of the service will be after the date included in your notification communication (this will most likely have been emailed to you). The effective date is also included in your rate card.
What does ‘effective date’ mean on my rate card?
This is the date any new rates will come into effect.
Onder welke industrienormen en certificeringen vallen uw archiefbeheerdiensten?
We hold all the certifications you would expect for a records management provider to highly-regulated industries. Our full list of certifications is:
Kunt u ons steunen in onze groei als de behoeften veranderen?
Als grootste particuliere informatiebeheerprovider in Europa hebben we de reikwijdte en schaal om iedereen te ondersteunen, van kleine bedrijven tot grote multinationals. We bieden een totaaloplossing voor alle soorten papieren en digitale gegevens.
Als ik vertrouwelijke documenten of media vernietigd wil hebben, hoe kan ik er dan zeker van zijn dat dit veilig gebeurt (en dat er niets wordt versnipperd dat niet vernietigd mag worden)?
Wij bieden veilige document- en mediavernietigingsdiensten, waaronder het versnipperen en demagnetiseren van media (d.w.z. het wissen van harde schijven) en het vernietigen van cd’s, dvd’s en creditcards. Voor documentvernietiging gebruiken we beveiligde versnipperaars die papier verkleinen tot fijne deeltjes, waardoor reconstructie onmogelijk wordt. We zullen nooit een archiefstuk vernietigen zonder toestemming van de klant. Het team voert veilige versnippering uit op een gespecialiseerde locatie in overeenstemming met BS EN 15713:2009 voor de veilige vernietiging van materiaal. Wij bieden afsluitbare consoleversnipperingsbakken voor uw werkplek, om documenten veilig te houden totdat ze worden versnipperd.
Hoe eenvoudig krijg ik toegang tot grondmonsters die bij u zijn opgeslagen?
U kunt op ieder gewenst moment toegang tot uw opgeslagen grondmonsters aanvragen voor analyse- of onderzoeksdoeleinden. Ieder grondmonster wordt gecatalogiseerd met gedetailleerde informatie, waaronder locatie, diepte en datum van extractie. U kunt eenvoudig naar uw monsters zoeken met behulp van ons online systeem, waarvan de interface bestanden doorzoekbaar maakt op een kaart met geografische gegevens.
Hoe flexibel is uw media- en tapeopslagservice?
U kunt schema’s instellen voor hoe vaak u wilt dat uw back-uptapes worden geroteerd. U kunt uw opgeslagen tapes op ieder gewenst moment controleren. Wij bieden geplande tape-ophaaldiensten om ze bij u op te halen en naar onze professionele archiefcentra te brengen. Wij barcoderen en volgen uw media via ons inventarisbeheersysteem op dezelfde manier als we dat voor uw documenten zouden doen. U krijgt direct toegang tot geroteerde tapes met onze versnelde ophaalservice.
Biedt u zowel korte als lange termijn opslag aan?
Absoluut – we kunnen uw documenten en bestanden voor een korte periode of zo lang als u wilt in opslag houden. We stemmen de dienstverlening op u af.
Hoe beheert u de indexering van bestanden?
We gebruiken een barcodesysteem om alle gegevens te indexeren en te volgen, waardoor ze snel en eenvoudig terug te vinden zijn.
Hoe lang duurt het als ik een document dat bij u is opgeslagen, moet ophalen?
Wij bieden een scala aan opties die passen bij uw budget en organisatie. We kunnen een document in minder dan 4 uur overhandigen aan u. Voor digitale bestanden zullen we documenten op verzoek uit uw bestandsbibliotheek lokaliseren en scannen. Toegang tot uw informatie is 24/7 beschikbaar. Over de hele linie halen we 99% van onze SLA-doelen.
Hoeveel dozen kan ik opslaan in uw faciliteit?
Er is geen limiet aan het aantal archiefstukken dat we voor u kunnen beheren. We werken met enkele van Europa’s grootste en bekendste bedrijven en slaan meer dan 115 miljoen archiefdozen met barcode op in onze faciliteiten.
Wat bewaart u zoal?
Onze 70+ locaties in Europa zijn ontworpen om een breed scala aan waardevolle archiefstukken veilig op te slaan, waaronder:
Do you only shred paper documents?
No. We also shred media including CD’s, DVD’s, backup tape and hard drives. Also, we can destroy and recycle your electronic office equipment.
If we have items in your records centre that are scheduled for destruction, are they automatically destroyed?
No. We will not shred any of your records in our records centre until the request is given in writing by an authorised person.
Do you provide a Certificate of Destruction?
Yes. Once your confidential information is securely shredded, we provide you with a Certificate of Destruction.